Sens2Innovate appreciates your friendship and support. We are thankful to our friends, clients, families and all the blessings we have received during 2018. Happy Thanksgiving!

New research exposes health risks of fructose, sugary drinks


There is compelling evidence that drinking too many sugar-sweetened beverages, which contain added sugars in the form of high fructose corn syrup or table sugar (sucrose), can lead to excess weight gain and a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, according to a new review paper published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.


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Artificial sweeteners have toxic effects on gut microbes

A study reveals FDA-approved artificial sweeteners and sport supplements were found to be toxic to digestive gut microbes. The collaborative study indicated relative toxicity of six artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, neotame, advantame, and acesulfame potassium-k) and 10 sport supplements containing these artificial sweeteners. The bacteria found in the digestive system became toxic when exposed to concentrations of only one mg./ml. of the artificial sweeteners.

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Scientists determine four personality types based on new data

Scientists from Northwestern University determine four personality types based on new data. Researchers have sifted through data from more than 1.5 million questionnaire respondents and found at least four distinct clusters of personality types exist: average, reserved, self-centered and role model. They are based on the five widely accepted basic personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. The findings challenge existing paradigms in psychology and potentially could be of interest to hiring managers and mental health care providers.

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Searching for a more direct connection between the gut and the brain, researchers were shocked to see that distance spanned by a single synapse, relaying the signal in less than 100 milliseconds, less than the blink of an eye. The finding has profound implications for the understanding of appetite and appetite suppressants, most of which target slow-acting hormones rather than fast-acting synapses.

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According to John Hopkins Medicine, based on a recent published article: An analysis of more than 1,000 people with and without psychiatric disorders has shown that nitrateschemicals used to cure meats such as beef jerky, salami, hot dogs and other processed meat snacks — may contribute to mania, an abnormal mood state. Mania is characterized by hyperactivity, euphoria and insomnia.

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