Excellent discussion related to NPS question. To view the discussion, click here. If you need help with your data mining verbatims comments, arranging them into actionable themes and understanding the sentiment of your clients, do not hesitate to contact us.

Tina Gupton (tgupton@sens2innovate.com)suggests two things: The first thing is to ask whether they will be willing to recommend or not. If they say no, do not bother to collect their NPS answer. Sometimes it is because they may not be the direct responsible for the purchase or account or transaction. You can also have a N/A next to the NPS scale, although some people may scream at that possibility. The second thing is to ACTUALLY READ the comment right after the NPS question. I have had the chance to read and model unstructured data and correlate it back to the NPS score. I read things like: I was never contacted by your company. I got this insurance from my parents. Because I have not had any problems so far, I will give it a 10. But because I never had the chance to be contacted by anybody in your company, I will give it a 0. So, I am going to divide 10 by 2 and that is why I gave you 5. Reading all comments will help you to choose whether to keep that NPS score for that particular participant



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