How can parents help their student-athletes gain a competitive edge? By boning up on nutrition basics, say experts. Oone healthy meal before a competition cannot make up for inadequate daily nutrition.

Parents, young athletes and coaches should know that one of the most important elements of proper nutrition for sports is timing In addition to eating balanced meals, young athletes need to know when to eat what types of food so they allow enough time for proper digestion and absorption of the nutrients needed for performance ‘fuel’. Parents, young athletes and coaches should know that one of the most important elements of proper nutrition for sports is timing. In addition to eating balanced meals, young athletes need to know when to eat what types of food so they allow enough time for proper digestion and absorption of the nutrients needed for performance ‘fuel’.

Although proper nutrition is important for all growing kids, it is especially important for children playing organized sports. The energy requirements needed for the sustained physical activity involved in practice and competitive sports are much higher than for normal, day-to-day activities.

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